What is Website Audit and How It Works?

What is Website? Website is a collection of web pages that represent a single domain. It is an important part of Online business marketing . World Wide Websites are accessible to all the public, while private websites are accessible only to private networks. A web page describes a particular topic or purpose. For example, it can be news, education, e-commerce, any service, etc. 3 Most Important Values of Website? Traffic Source: Three main traffic sources are direct traffic, referral traffic, search traffic, and social traffic. SEO helps to increase website traffic. Organic Traffic Value: Organic traffic is very important for a website. Organic traffic generation is a time-consuming process. When users come to a website through a search engine for a specific intent, that is organic traffic. Increase Income: Websites are an important part of online business. We can store all our business or service-related information on the...